>>>>>The Starlings swirled <<<<<

Gold flecks dispersed –

Neighboring black feathers…

Wings spread.

They flew to the hole in the roof;

long grass dangling from one beak,

berries in another…


Down to the ground

Peck, peck


Up to the top of the street lamp,

Lifting its slight wings trying to chirp


I lost count:

which one was an adult,

which one was a child ?


A Starling perched on the windowsill

Looking UP

Took awhile for the decision to be made

[fly back to  the nest, sanctuary, home..?]


>>>>>A Starling’s beak is golden.<<<<<


TREES – another thought

I think that I shall never see

a soul as sanguine as a tree:

Thousand tongues twittering, whispering

as the wind through the leaves, rustling –

Giddy-UP the tree trunk grows TALL …

stairway to the sky, ultimate law.

If left alone a tree will thrive;

Ancestral conversations MINE.

Fingers stretching, tender tree twigs touch

Spectral currents sigh – it’s a bit much.

Place your hand on a tree and listen,

sanguine sap, a tree’s solution.

(Kudos to Joyce Kilmer…)

BIRD POETS — an essay

Sometimes, when seeking the gist of a word, look at the second definition in the dictionary.  (I prefer OED.)

Poetry is “something that arouses strong emotions because of its beauty.”

This morning, when I went for a walk, I hear a bird sing.  Its verse reminded me of a Piccolo – each singular note was strong and uplifting.

I wonder.

When humans created their musical instruments did they consciously imitate the birds, or was it a matter of the heart, i.e. INSTINCT?

A poem is “something regarded as comparable to poetry in its beauty.”

Each morning, when I go for a walk, I listen to the birds singing.  I’ve learned to meditate on the sound.  With a little bit of practice I learned to feel the sound.  And with a little bit of practice, a shift in consciousness, a walk up the stairs so to speak – I learned to SEE IT.

For instance:

Small stones dropped into a slow-moving stream [of water]…

Burbling old peculator, the coffee’s hot and ready to pour…

A scratchy throat, fresh sandpaper pressed against the newly honed wood…

Accent on a letter, little hat, le petit chapeau, circumflex – that’s what this particular bird’s poem sounds like….

Definition of A Poet:  “A person possessing special powers of imagination or expression.”  (OED)